why pick me

why pick me The Benefits of having a Wedding Stylist so are you sitting there thinking…” why the hell do i need a wedding stylist?”i have a few questions below and if you say yes, to at least one of them, then i am here to help. do you struggle with having too...
the set up package

the set up package

the set up package The Set Up Package damn you guys have been busy. a massive high five to you, for getting your hands  into wedding design and styling. now, do you fancy a break? do you want to have a chilled lead up to your wedding day?than have a closer look at my...
the full whammy package

the full whammy package

the full whammy package Full Whammy Package well hello rockstars! welcome to the low down of my full whammy package. or in longer terms, start to finish styling, design and set up on for your wedding day. here at r&r, i want to be able to bring your wedding to...